


And how could any of you forgive me?
Things have gotten so busy lately and
I've let you all slip through the cracks.
Or, rather, I've avoided you.
I have been getting myself back on track.
It seems I've been skimming the white line between sane and its opposition
(and I've been leaning quite toward the insane).

Reading your blogs, some of them at least, is one of the hardest things.
I feel guilty that I've let my promises go
and I feel ashamed that I know your pain,
spoon-fed myself those lies,
and almost threw myself headfirst from that window.

But I guess that's the good thing about Almosts.

I have been so completely, wonderfully happy lately. The sun has literally been smiling at my efforts (and I have the sun burn to prove it :) ).

As to my writing, I have a huge announcement: One of my poems is being published! It will be in a collection of poetry entitled From a Window. My poem, so far, is a semi- finalist in the contest and I'm so excited to see how far it will get.
I would like to thank my dear friend at for suggesting this contest. We are now anthology buddies!!!

I will post a poem ASAP! I have a good one venting my frustrations for you all.

For any of you who are still here,

xxxxxxx <3333


Valmai said...

That's so wonderful! Im very proud of you.
We are all still here just waiting patiently.
Take your time, for we are have nothing better to do then counting down the days of your next post.
I love you

Melee said...

I'm still here! <3
That is wonderful you've been happy lately. Happiness is something we need more of. :)

And that is so awesome about your poem! Congratulations, dear!

brooklyn. said...

I am so happy you are back(:
I have missed your writings.
And congratulations on the poem, darling! That is wonderful!
