

You are danger.
It is written in the curl
of your smiling eyes,
In the graze
of hummed vocals,
In the echo of your fingertips.
You are risks,
kissed tangles.
You are whorlling doubts
and clouding minds...
... And I am foolish.


Unknown said...

i love everything you write. x

Anonymous said...

I know how hard it is to stay away from something as shiny and beautiful as danger itself. I battle it, with the battle between my mind and anorexia, each day.

Athena. said...

oh, this is incredible. Haunted: beautiful. xxx

charlotte said...

Beautiful. Lovely words. X

Melee said...

This is very well-written! I often wonder, why are we so enticed by those things we we know will do us no good?

Ever said...

Thank you all for commenting!
I don't understand the lure of things that hurt us...
But they look so lovely, don't they?